If you would like to learn more about how we can help you live in the future free from the trauma of the past, contact our admissions team today. 

No matter how it occurs, trauma can have overwhelming and harmful effects on your physical and psychological health. Traumatic events strip one’s sense of comfort and security, and it can be challenging to return to how things were before the trauma occurred. The healing process that happens after trauma is difficult and complex. For some, the goal of healing may seem continually and forever out of reach. Seeking help at Casa Serena can provide you with a safe and supported environment to process and begin to understand the emotions you feel after trauma. 

What Is Trauma? 

Trauma presents in different forms. Depending on the situation or event that lead to trauma, the symptoms you feel may be emotional, physical, or a combination of both. Recovering from physical trauma is often a more straightforward process. Wounds and bruises heal with time. The impacts of emotional or psychological trauma are different. Emotional trauma is the mental (or psychological) response to a negative event. Examples may include an accident, natural disaster, domestic abuse, or sudden loss of a loved one. There are several ways you could be exposed to a traumatic event or situation. Based on the description of trauma provided in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DSM, it is not necessary to be directly involved in the event to experience trauma. In addition to the trauma experienced by directly witnessing or experiencing an event, trauma can occur when someone learns the event affected a loved one or experiences repeated exposure to details of the event (such as news coverage).

How Do You Heal From Trauma? 

The process of healing from trauma looks different for everyone. The time it takes to recover from trauma is also unique to the person, and several factors contribute to or inhibit one’s ability to recover and heal. Recovering from trauma occurs in stages, and each stage asks you to examine and sit with your trauma in different ways. Healing from trauma does not imply entirely forgetting the event or finding ways to remove the memories from your mind. On the contrary, healing requires learning to shift your thoughts and learn to sit with both your experience and the memories it creates. For many people who experience trauma, seeking therapy to work through emotions and develop healthy trigger management techniques can help with lasting recovery. 

Are Trauma and Substance Abuse Connected? 

Countless studies show a link between trauma and substance abuse. When someone struggles with addiction related to trauma, it is referred to as a dual diagnosis. It is estimated that more than 60% of those receiving treatment for a substance use disorder have a history of trauma at some point in their lives. There are several reasons why trauma may lead to addiction. The symptoms of trauma can be overwhelming. After a traumatic event, people may experience mood swings, depression, anxiety, agitation, social isolation, difficulties sleeping, and a range of other physical and psychological challenges. It is not uncommon to turn to drugs or alcohol to help dull the intensity of these symptoms. Unfortunately, using substances to manage symptoms is a short-term solution. Soon, the effects wear off, and the trauma symptoms return, leading to more frequent use and higher doses. Eventually, self-medication is no longer effective, but tolerance, dependency, and addiction develop. Breaking this dangerous cycle requires professional help and support. 

How To Get Help With Trauma and Substance Abuse Today

Overcoming trauma and substance abuse begins with seeking help from a treatment center like Casa Serena. Our experienced team of treatment providers at our women-only rehab will work with you to design a treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals while helping you heal from trauma. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you live in the future free from the trauma of the past, contact our admissions team today. 

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