Like prescription opioids, your medical provider legally prescribed Klonopin and other benzodiazepine drugs to help alleviate symptoms related to specific medical and mental health conditions. Because a medical provider provides Klonopin, many people do not consider its addictive and potentially dangerous nature. The effects of Klonopin are strong, and their onset is rapid. Many who use Klonopin develop an addiction first to symptom relief but eventually to the “high” produced by the drug. An addiction to Klonopin can be difficult and sometimes dangerous to overcome without seeking addiction treatment help.

What Is Klonopin? 

Klonopin is the brand name for clonazepam. It is a benzodiazepine drug prescribed to manage the symptoms of panic disorders and some seizure disorders. It may also be used in treating sleeping disorders and symptoms related to alcohol withdrawal. The Food and Drug Administration lists Klonopin as a Schedule IV drug which means it is beneficial for medical use but has a high potential for misuse or addiction. 

Klonopin acts on the central nervous system to produce feelings of sedation and relation. The level of sedation one experiences when using Klonopin significantly reduces or sometimes entirely eliminates feelings of panic and anxiety. Klonopin is more effective than drugs like valium in reducing panic symptoms and, therefore, is prescribed more frequently. 

Is Klonopin Addictive? 

Klonopin is a benzodiazepine and acts upon the body in similar ways to other drugs in the same drug class. When used as directed, Klonopin is a highly effective medication. But, it is often used for non-medical purposes or illegally sold “on the street.” All benzodiazepines or benzos are addictive; however, Klonopin may be one of the most addictive benzodiazepine drugs. Klonopin has a rapid onset and a long half-life making it highly desirable when used illicitly. 

How Fast Can You Get Addicted to Klonopin? 

Klonopin produces feelings of relaxation and happiness which are often a desirable alternative when someone struggles with panic or sleeping disorders. Unfortunately, the effects produced by Klonopin, while longer-lasting than some opioid drugs, do not last long enough to entirely resolve the effects of mental illness or alcohol withdrawal. Once the effects of the drug begin to wear off, symptoms quickly return, leading the user to seek out higher and more frequent doses to maintain their ‘high.” 

It does not take long to develop an “addiction” to the feelings produced when using Klonopin. This quickly leads to dependency and addiction. In some cases, addiction can occur after only three to four weeks of regular use. At this time, you will experience withdrawal symptoms if you try to reduce or stop taking Klonopin. For this reason, most treatment plans involving Klonopin are limited to no more than thirty to sixty days. When you struggle with an addiction to Klonopin (or any benzodiazepine), it is essential to seek detox and treatment help in a professional addiction treatment setting where medical support is available. 

How To Get Help With a Klonopin Addiction Today

Withdrawing from Klonopin should not be done without medical supervision. Acute Klonopin withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening. Depending on the nature and severity of your addiction, withdrawal symptoms may begin within one to three days of your last dose and last for a few days to a few weeks.  

If you or a loved one struggles with Klonopin addiction, seeking help at Casa Serena is the first step towards your journey to freedom from addiction. Our caring and compassionate staff at our women-only rehab will work with you to design an individualized treatment plan based on your unique needs and goals. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how to get help with Klonopin addiction today. 

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