For Women By Women
Inhalants Addiction Treatment
When you think of addictive substances, what comes to mind; more than likely, substances such as alcohol, prescription painkillers, nicotine, heroin, and Xanax come to mind. However, what would you think if you found out there is a class of addictive substances that are found throughout your home? While it may not grab the headlines, inhalants are a class of substances that are not only addictive—but extremely dangerous to one's health and life.
Items such as spray paint, cleaning fluid, glue, and even markers aren't designed to get high—but some people use them for that purpose. While primarily the substance of choice for young kids and teens, all people, regardless of age, use inhalants to feel the rush of getting high. However, this high can come with a tremendous price.
Contact Casa Serena today to learn about how our Santa Barbara women's addiction treatment programs can help your recovery process today.