Finding the right women’s inpatient trauma treatment can make all the difference in your recovery. As a woman, you have a higher likelihood of experiencing traumatic events. If left untreated, traumatic events from childhood or adulthood can lead to the development of secondary mental health issues like depression or PTSD. 

Many women find it difficult to talk about these things, especially with male therapists who might be a trigger for them. Moreover, social pressure, expectations, and stigma can discourage women from seeking the help they need. 

Thankfully, residential programs provide a chance to step away from your daily life and into a place of safety and security. 

What is Women’s Trauma Residential Treatment?

Women’s trauma residential treatment is a form of residential care for addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.

This level of care is the most supportive. While at the treatment center, you get a chance to step away from the rest of your daily life, extricating yourself from the sources of stress and triggers that you might not even realize exist in your daily life.

  • You reside full-time at the treatment center where all of your basic needs are taken care of, from things like food to scheduling 
  • You will receive a schedule of your daily activities that includes a combination of holistic treatment, individual therapy, and group therapy.
  • You work alongside the other clients to uncover things like causes of addiction in your personal life or triggers and coping mechanisms that you can apply to these scenarios

With a women’s program, you work specifically with other women. This means the participants are women, and the people in charge of facilitating things like individual and group therapy sessions are also women.

The length of your women’s residential treatment will vary based on your needs, but programs typically occur in 30-day increments.

Trauma Treatment vs. Regular Treatment

So, how does women’s trauma residential treatment differ from regular residential treatment?


The first is that it is gender specific. For many people, having a gender-specific facility run by gender-specific team members can make them feel more comfortable. This also opens up the individual and group therapy sessions to discussions pertaining to social stress or gender norms that might be exacerbating certain symptoms, leading to mental health disorders, or causing addiction.


The other difference is that it is trauma-centered. This means that the level of care you receive comes from a trauma-centered approach whereby staff members and medical teams go out of their way to ensure you are not triggered or re-traumatized during your sessions, working with you on a very personal level to figure out the things that you are most comfortable with and things that you are at least comfortable with.

Women’s trauma residential treatment offers care from the standpoint that the majority of addiction and mental health disorders stem from untreated trauma. In an effort to fix those conditions, it’s important to address that trauma and move forward.

Finding Women’s Trauma Residential Treatment at Casa Serena

So, how do you find women’s residential trauma treatment?

  • Check on the staff they employ and the programs they offer
  • Most women’s specific facilities will clarify whether they have programs specifically for women but are facilities with multiple genders or whether they only have programs for women
  • Look into the types of modalities or treatments they provide, specifically the types of therapies offered, and see if there is something like trauma treatment or trauma counseling 

At Casa Serena, we have provided services for women, by women, for over 65 years. We work with trauma-centered approaches with trained staff members who will offer a safe and supportive space for each client. We don’t offer separate programs for men and women; we only offer programs for women. 

At our facility, we are a luxury center that offers community-driven, women-supporting women programs with trauma treatment and counseling, as well as other mental health treatment programs, garden therapy, and more. Our goal is to provide custom care for each client and offer long-term support within the community.

Contact us today to learn more at (805) 966-1260. 

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