If you or someone close to you is struggling with an eating disorder or in recovery, one of the tools you can use to get through the day is affirmations. Affirmations for eating disorder recovery can help your brain adapt to your new circumstances, relationship with food, and overall mind-body health.
The Power of Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements you share with yourself. The science is simple enough, yet profound; the more often you say positive affirmations to yourself, the more you can influence how your brain works.
The brain’s neuroplasticity means learning new things is possible at any age, including new ways of thinking about:
- Food
- Weight
- Body
- Self
Affirmations can reprogram how your brain automatically thinks, encouraging a positive sense of self and body. They have been shown to increase happiness, improve quality of life, decrease stress, and decrease anxiety.
For many people with eating disorders, stress and anxiety can be triggers, so being able to control them with positive statements is essential.
How to Use Affirmations for Eating Disorder Recovery
When you use affirmations for eating disorder recovery, always:
- Say the affirmation out loud
- Use the present tense
- Make it a positive statement
When saying affirmations, you can say them to yourself while on an exercise machine, while looking in the mirror in the morning, or even in bed when you first wake up.
Some people find that affirmations are easier to do when they are written down. In this case, you can write down your affirmations for eating disorder recovery and place the notes on your closet door, fridge, or computer screen.
Where to Use Affirmations
When using affirmations, you want to incorporate them into your daily routine. This will look different for everyone, but for many, the best way to start the day is with morning affirmations.
Morning affirmations you say to yourself as soon as you wake up, and then repeat through your morning routine.
Tip: If you plan to use morning affirmations, write them down and leave a stack next to the bed. Pick one up each morning and then shuffle the pile again.
Some people like to incorporate affirmations into a meditation routine, repeating the affirmation during meditation.
Examples of Affirmations for Eating Disorder Recovery
When you are recovering from an eating disorder or just starting your journey to better health and happiness, you want to build a list of affirmations that are personalized and that are what you want to hear most or most inspiring to you. Below is a list of examples to get you started:
- My weight does not define me
- I am grateful for all the things my body does for me
- I will be kind to myself and my body today
- I am enough
- I trust myself
- My body knows what it needs
- I am beautiful regardless of shape or size
- I can rest
- I am stronger than my eating disorder
- I deserve love and compassion
- I am worthy of recovery
- I am making progress
- I deserve happiness
- I am my best version today
- I am discovering myself
- My body deserves respect
- I will let go of things I can’t control
- I am grateful to be healthy
- I love myself
- I will not compare myself to others
- My needs are important
- I am energized today
- My body is unique, like me
Again, what you choose should be specific to your needs. One of the best ways to determine your needs is to participate in an eating disorder recovery program, where you can work with therapists and nutritionists to learn about healthy eating habits and body image.
Help for Eating Disorder Recovery
If you are looking for help with an eating disorder, we offer a women’s eating disorder program that enables clients to participate in individualized programs. We hold several therapy groups as part of our women’s eating disorder program, including:
- DBT for Binge Eating and Bulimia
- Acceptance of Body Image Dissatisfaction
- Body Positivity
- Intuitive Eating Group
- Body and Mind Connection Group
- Emotional Intelligence
- Food and Metaphor (identifying what food means to you)
- Sorry Not Sorry (My Body is Not an Apology)
- Setting Boundaries With an ED
With programs running between ten and twelve weeks, we give clients the opportunity to address underlying conditions as well, including depression or anxiety.
At Casa Serena, we run programs for women by women. We understand the social and gender-specific pressures that accompany eating disorders for women. Our goal is to ensure women have a safe space in which to recover.
Overall, affirmations for eating disorder recovery can be a crucial element in long-term recovery, something that can be learned when you participate in an eating disorder program. With the right support inside and out, you can learn to appreciate your body and your health at any size.
Call our team at (805) 966-1260 to learn more today.