Addiction is a very complicated process. It doesn’t happen instantly. Moreover, the insidious nature of addiction means that changes happen often without you recognizing them. So, what are the stages of addiction recovery?

What Are the Stages of Addiction Recovery?

There are five clear stages of recovery that range from recognizing that you have a problem to preparing yourself for treatment and long-term sobriety.


The first stage of addiction recovery is when you haven’t yet admitted that you have a problem, but you’re starting to contemplate the possibility. This phase is called the pre-contemplation phase.

At this stage, you might be going through the motions because of pressure, stress, or some other factor that’s pushing you to continue with your addiction and you may not even realize how severe it is. Nevertheless, at this stage, you will typically:

  • Live in denial of your addiction
  • Avoid conversations about addiction, even with loved ones
  • Avoid people who talk about addiction

Many people reach a place that is very low, whether that’s because they suddenly face legal trouble, are at risk of losing their family, or have some other type of personal epiphany. And this is what leads to the next stage.


Contemplation happens when you suddenly recognize that there are changes in your life that have to be made. You will likely still struggle with figuring out the cause of your addiction at this phase, and it might take several months before you decide to take action.

During this time, you might continue to use drugs and alcohol, but you won’t find it as rewarding as it once was, and you might experience increasing feelings of hopelessness as you start to contemplate what it might feel like to no longer be controlled by your addiction.

It’s quite common, during this phase, to start experiencing excitement at the prospect of living a sober life but also feeling a bit anxious about what that might entail and whether or not you can truly maintain it.


As that feeling of excitement begins to grow and the prospect of recovery takes hold, you’ll start to make preparations. This is the third stage of addiction recovery, and it’s referred to as the preparation stage because it’s when you start to pivot for recovery and when you start to prepare to go to drug rehab.

Preparation doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a place in mind and you are packing your suitcase and getting ready to go. Instead, it means making plans about going to treatment, looking into different facilities, and considering what your life might be like were you to take action.


The fourth stage of recovery is the action stage. This is the point where your hesitation or anxiety about living a sober life no longer holds you back and instead you start to take concrete actions toward recovery.

These actions might be simply changing your environment, altering certain behaviors, no longer hanging out with the same people, or getting treatment from a legitimate facility. You’ll start to build your foundation toward long-term sobriety as you enjoy the feeling of satisfaction that you develop when you take concrete steps toward a happier and healthier life.


Finally, you’ll have the fifth stage, which is maintenance. This is what you have to do as you work to maintain your recovery. Addiction is considered a chronic mental health disorder because it is long-lasting; it is something that you might struggle with repeatedly.

Maintenance can be aided by completing an inpatient or outpatient treatment program and applying the lessons you learned or participating in ongoing aftercare, or local support groups. The more you learn about coping strategies, dealing with triggers, and keeping a healthy routine, the longer you’ll be able to maintain your sobriety. 

Finding Women’s Only Addiction Recovery at Casa Serena

If you are struggling with any of the stages of addiction recovery, you can find help from Casa Serena. Our women’s drug and alcohol rehab offers support with residential programs and a lifetime aftercare program

Our women-operated treatment center is located just minutes from the beach. Women can choose from the full continuum of care, finding supporting therapies, including mental wellness programs, CBT, EMDR, family therapy, garden therapy, and ecotherapy. 

Overall, addiction brings with it a complicated cycle. Understanding the different stages of addiction can help you know when it is time to get help. Our center offers women’s-only treatment for all types of addictions, from drugs to alcohol to eating disorders.

Reach out to our team today to schedule your assessment or tour our facility. 

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