Millions of people across the nation struggle with alcohol use disorders and problematic drinking. Having an unhealthy relationship with alcohol does not necessarily indicate that someone is an alcoholic. However, it is important to understand the signs of problematic drinking and know that several stages or degrees of severity are used to describe alcohol use disorders.

In most cases, the occasional drink with friends or glass of beer or wine with dinner does not represent problematic drinking. Often, people who choose to drink occasionally with friends do not experience challenges with alcohol that evolve or progress into an alcohol use disorder. However, millions of Americans have experienced profound challenges regarding safe alcohol consumption.

When medical or mental health treatment providers diagnose alcohol use disorders, they describe one’s relationship with alcohol in degrees of severity—the degrees of severity range from mild to severe. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) lists eleven specific criteria addiction treatment professionals use to help determine how severe your struggle with alcohol is. It is not necessary to exhibit all eleven to have an alcohol use disorder. The ability to recognize what problematic drinking “looks like” can help ensure you or a friend or loved one seek help early to overcome addiction.

What are the Signs of Alcohol Abuse?

The signs of alcohol abuse look different from person to person, making recognizing alcohol addiction challenging. Although long-term alcohol abuse will inevitably lead to significant physical and psychological health challenges, the time it takes for someone to develop an addiction to alcohol will vary. When someone abuses alcohol, the signs of their harmful relationship with drinking will be physical and psychological. When left untreated at a women’s alcohol rehab, struggles with ongoing alcohol abuse can lead to severe and life-threatening consequences.

As noted above, recognizing the warning signs of alcohol abuse early on can help ensure you or a loved one receive early access to vital alcohol addiction treatment. Although alcohol abuse will look different from one person to the next, several common symptoms appear in most cases. These include:

  • Increasing isolation from friends and loved ones.
  • Drinking alone and/or making excuses to drink.
  • Sudden and frequent mood swings.
  • New or worsening physical and mental health symptoms.
  • Difficulties with short-term memory or experiencing “blackouts”.
  • Legal or financial problems related to alcohol or drinking.

How Does Alcohol Affect Women

Alcohol addiction affects men and women, although women often experience alcohol use disorders at a lower rate than males. However, women who struggle with alcohol may be more vulnerable to the harmful effects of alcohol use. This is due to a variety of biological and emotional factors that influence how women drink and process alcohol.

First, women metabolize alcohol differently from males due to body-fat composition. The female body generally has more water than males, and therefore, blood alcohol levels remain higher for a longer time because the body processes alcohol slower. Also, women may reach higher blood alcohol levels faster for similar reasons. Because women’s bodies process alcohol differently, they may be at a higher risk for long-term physical injury, including damage to vital organs such as the brain, heart, and liver.

What are the Benefits of Women’s-only Alcohol Rehab

Men and women face and recover from addiction differently. Because of these differences, choosing a gender-specific or “women-only” program ensures the treatment your receive focuses on the unique needs of women looking to overcome alcohol addiction. At Casa Serena, our alcohol treatment programs are designed around therapies and support proven to help women looking to get sober.

In addition to the physical differences between women and alcohol use, women struggle with unique emotional challenges related to getting well. At a women’s-only alcohol rehab, our treatment models teach coping skills and relapse prevention techniques that focus on how women best recover from alcohol addiction. Women also experience specific social and emotional needs as part of the treatment process. For some, the roots of addiction may be linked to experiences involving the opposite sex. In these cases, she may feel uncomfortable in a co-ed treatment environment. Therefore, a women-only rehab provides the level of safety and security needed to begin working towards recovery.

Finding the Best Women’s Alcohol Rehab Near Me

At a women’s alcohol rehab, our treatment providers understand the unique challenges women may face when they are ready to seek help to heal from alcohol addiction. Many factors contribute to why someone began drinking. Many of those factors also contribute to challenges and struggles related to getting and staying sober. At a women’s alcohol rehab, we can help you learn ad practice the tools you need to put those struggles in the past. Contact us today to learn more about our alcohol rehab programs for women.

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